

It's been a long online road (that was done in sprints of course) but this is the end of globofit.

I've learned a lot. Primarily why a site like this doesn't work.

I love programming for people and customizing and tweaking workouts to hit people hard and get them the results they want and I'm good at it; which is why I can no longer offer these services for free.

In the coming months I'll be coaching at - anyone who followed globofit talk to me and we'll get you in for some real training.

Hope to see you soon,



Open WOD / Rest Recovery

Todays a chance to either make up a missed wod in the past week... or try something new.
Checkout this link for a great list of bodyweight workouts. Hit one up and POST YOUR TIME on the new open thread page - free 4 all (link above, or click here).


There are apprx 10 different people a day viewing these posts... thats different, not hits, over 40 refreshes a day... so if you're reading this... stop being a bitch. Hit the workouts. Become a man. and POST.

If you're scared (understandable) do what you can and I will be posting a 'beginners program' soon (in the coming weeks for sure) which will be the 2 - 3 week jumpoff program to do before getting into this stuff!

OR E-mail me! with any questions/comments/etc. I love to talk everythign CrossFit and chances are I'd love to come to your gym with you (for a minimal $) and work on tech/lifts everything before you jump in.

- Thor



Warmup/Tech: Double unders! learn them. if you dont know what it is... google it.

A) AMRAP 12 min
3 x bodyweight Deadlift (or somewhere around your 6 or 7 rep max)
6 x Pushups
9 x Air Squat

B) AMRAP Double Unders in 5min
100 Double unders for time (as long as it takes! up to 12min cap)